Welcome to the new-look Easy Weddings

Easy Weddings
Updated on: March 24, 2022

Welcome to the new look Easy Weddings

We’re excited to announce that after many months of work we have launched the new look Easy Weddings website!

The new site is the result of the culmination of feedback from our clients and thousands of brides, who guide us to produce the best wedding website in Australia. This is our fourth major version of EasyWeddings.co.uk since the site began in 2000. We hope you like the new design and functionality and we thank you for the opportunity to present your business in the best possible light to our brides.

Below are some of the biggest changes:

1. New Look
The site has been re-designed in a much cleaner layout, achieving our big goal to make it ‘beautiful’ and compatible with all popular mobile devices. Since around 50% of our brides are viewing EasyWeddings.co.uk on a mobile devices and tablets, it’s very important for us to ensure our site and your business profile looks great no matter what technology our brides use. I’m happy to say we now have a beautiful site that is mobile friendly.

2. Supplier Profile Images
You can now add higher resolution images to your profile and brides can view a full screen version of each image using the new gallery. We’ve also taken the limit off the number of images you can upload, giving you unlimited gallery space to share your best images. You can also select a specific image for your listing and add your company logo to your profile.

Please log in at advertisers.easyweddings.co.uk to upload as many high quality images as you like.

3. Videos
You can now add up to 10 videos to your profiles, just log in to Advertisers Admin and upload.

Welcome to the new look Easy Weddings

4. Social Media Links
A new much-requested feature has been added, and you can now add your social media profile links including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ and YouTube.

5. Supplier Connect
Supplier connect has been discontinued as a service. The feedback we have been receiving from suppliers was that the conversion rate of these particular enquiries was too low and brides we getting overwhelmed with businesses contacting them. Our objective is to ensure brides are with us for the full journey from engagement to wedding day, which gives us the opportunity to guide them to specific categories along the way. This will help them to make more targeted enquiries that will yield more value to your business.

6. New Planning Tools
Our planning tools for brides have been completely re-designed and will attract an even bigger bride membership base going forward. The tools are world class and we’re extremely happy that we’ve made a big jump forward fulfilling our business goal for brides: Your perfect day made easy. Check out the introduction pages here.

Welcome to the new look Easy Weddings

7. Share our business with you.
As a business owner like many of you, I want to share a more about ourselves on the new site. We’ve uploaded our culture doc, photos of the team, our history and a few more things. If you want to get to know us, see what makes us tick and our philosophy behind what we do here at Easy Weddings then please head over to our EW business section.

8. High Profile Banner Auctions
Soon we’ll have new high profile banner positions on major pages of EasyWeddings.co.uk. These are called Spotlight Features and will run on a weekly basis. We will send another announcement when this feature launches in a few weeks. If you are in need of a real spike in business, they’ll be a great solution. Stay tuned for more info.

Once again, If you haven’t yet updated your profile in the last two months, all your old pictures will still be visible but some may appear pixelated or blurry, and won’t expand to full screen images in the gallery view. So, it’s important you visit Advertisers Admin and update all images as soon as possible.

As always, if you need help with anything regarding your Easy Weddings account, please call our customer service team on 1800 155 122 or email updates@easyweddings.co.uk.

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