How to communicate your value to potential clients

Easy Weddings
Updated on: March 24, 2022

Our social media manager Lucy sat down with two of our sales experts in Australia, Alex Ignatenko and Rob Amro, to discuss their best tips for suppliers when they’re responding to enquiries, and how best to communicate your value to potential clients.

how to communicate your value to potential clients
Rob Amro and Alex Ignatenko

“The most important three things when selling your business are value, urgency, and scarcity. The first is probably the most difficult to convey, but basically, you need to give the person peace of mind. Help seal the deal with great reviews, a quick turnaround, the fact that you know some of their fellow vendors or the venue helps too” Alex said.

“In terms of scarcity, there’s only one you and that’s a key asset to remember. Urgency relates to getting the sale as quickly as possible. Especially if the person is looking for a booking on a Saturday in peak wedding season. 50% of all weddings occur on just 32 days of the year, so you can expect a lot of your enquiries to be for the same days. So leverage that and let your potential client know if you have other couples that are interested in that particular date.” Continued Alex.

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Alex Ignatenko speaking at the Melbourne Industry Event at Fenix in 2018.

Rob added: ” Price is just a number. You need to communicate value to the client before, during and after. Explain your process, give them a proposal and don’t be afraid to ask for the sale. The worst thing that they can say is no. If they do, then move onto the next one, as they’ve done you a favour by not wasting your time. Don’t sit around wondering or hoping they will come back to you eventually. Just follow up and ask!”

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Rob Amro hosting a learning workshop roundtable at the Easy Weddings industry event in 2018 at Fenix.

“One of the most important elements of sales is speaking the same language as the client. That’s why it’s great to get a phone call or a face to face meeting in. You can mirror them, speak their language, speak on their terms.”

Alex continued: “You also need 5 or 6 key selling points to communicate your value. If you’re not sure what they are, then look through your reviews and see what things repeat themselves. Whether it’s that you’re laid back, you blend into the background or your award-winning passionfruit ganache, there will be a pattern that emerges and you will be able to use these as your unique selling points.”

For more tips on selling, take a look at our sales techniques articles. 

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