You know all those reports and rumours of Sam Worthington and Lara Bingle being married that have circulated for a few weeks? Well, they are seeming more and more true as each day passes.
And, it doesn’t help that Lara recently posted a pic of her and Sam, in which she’s clearly wearing a wedding ring.
The picture above was also recently posted on Instagram, by user rhin00, with the caption, “Guy from Avatar popping off out here. Paparazzi going crazy. He just got arrested. #gotthetea #avatar #samworthington”
It was taken in New York immediately after a scuffle between Sam and a member of the paparazzi who, allegedly, kicked Lara in the leg, to which Sam’s very public response was, allegedly, “You kicked my wife!”
We’re yet to see the video currently doing the rounds, but several major news sites have confirmed the quote, but what has been confirmed is that Sam was arrested and is due in court on February 26 to face charges of assault.
Sam probably didn’t mean to let the world know that the two are married in quite such a fashion but when he, himself uses the word ‘wife’ in reference to Lara, well, it’s a little hard to deny, eh?
Good luck to the newlyweds.