Is this your wedding ring? That’s the question being asked by asked by American scuba diver Daniel Roark who found the ring while diving in Playa Reef, Mexico.
Inside was an engraving that piqued his curiosity and he immediately decided to put a callout on Facebook in the hopes that his quest would go viral and, ultimately, find the ring’s owner, a bride named Jessica.
“Ok, so while scuba diving around Playa Reef, Playa Del Carmen last week, I happened to find this ring…,” says Daniel on his Facebook page.
“I’m quite certain it is a wedding band, because engraved inside is “JESSICA 16 02 13 TYYJCEM”. Unfortunately there is no way for me to know whether it was lost, or intentionally thrown into the ocean.”
Indeed, perhaps the ring’s owner doesn’t want the band back!
“Assuming it was not the latter,” adds Daniel, whose post has now been shared more than 100,000 times, “I’d like to find the owner so I can send it to them, “I’d like to find the owner so I can send it to them.”
If you know a couple who was married on February 16th, 2013 (or was it, perhaps 1913), who may have lost a wedding band near Playa Del Carmen, Mexico, you can contact Daniel via email on Alternatively, if you’d like to join in the global ring hunt, you can Tweet, Instagram or Facebook share the image above using the hashtag #thelostweddingband.