I had a freak out today. Over what you may ask? The popcorn at the engagement party.
Yes, I know it seems trivial but, trust me, for a control freak like me, it’s not!
I was cooking popcorn for my daughter and son and. whist adding in the icing sugar (you really do need to try that its delicious), I thought to myself: ‘Are we going to have horrid white paper bags for our popcorn, because they are provided?’
I immediately took out my phone and emailed the supplier practically begging them to send through a picture of the bags.
I don’t know if he has ever had that request before but he was very prompt with his reply and, to my relief, they aren’t plain bags, they’re yellow and red and tie into my circus-themed engagement party nicely.
Phew, my very first wedding crisis averted.