Trying to make the cutest members of your wedding party feel extra special and equally included is something that every couple should consider. From asking them to be part of your team to organising thank you gifts for them we gathered 5 lovely gift ideas to surprise your flower girls and page boys.
1. The Outfit
Already giving them their outfit to use on your wedding day? Kill two birds with one stone by adding some presentation. Personalise the box to add some extra love to the moment.
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2. Cute plants
A cute little living gift is a nice way to give a message, add a card to make it more personal and there you go! Also, plants, succulents and flowers are a great option if you are on a budget.
3. Jewellery
If your budget allows you to, a bracelet, necklace, pair of earrings or a pocket watch are items that can be kept forever, and they can be personalised too!