Are you currently planning a summer wedding? Sure, you might not run the same risk of rain that a winter wedding would, but that doesn’t mean the weather will be pleasant all round. Since you DO live in the UK, this might never be an issue. However, if you are hosting your wedding in a country that actually gets sun in the summer, here’s what you need to survive a (hot) summer wedding.
I don’t know about you, but when I’ve had the “pleasure” of sitting outside on a 35℃ day, my upper lip sweats LIKE CRAZY. Mix the heat with your nerves, and not only will you have a sweaty upper lip, but also your temples, underarms, and the back of your neck. Wipe that sh*t up!
Extra makeup
With all that sweating, you might actually sweat your face makeup off. Bring extra makeup in an emergency kit to touch up if need to.
Two words: You’ll stink. Bring extra perfume and deodorant.
There’s a high chance of dehydration on your wedding day. Why? Because you’ll probably have been drinking champagne since 6am, barely eaten anything, and the heat is drying you up like a pickle left out in the sun. Drink up, folks!
Please supply your guests with paper fans to cool themselves down. You might be so immersed in your ceremony not to care about the heat, but I assure you – your family and friends care! Some guests might even decide to boycott your wedding entirely if it’s outside on a day that’s simply too hot, and if you have made no attempt to accommodate or protect them from the elements. I can’t imagine my 82-year-old grandmother sat out in the sun for an hour – can you?
Air conditioner
Ensure your venues and wedding transport have air conditioner before you book your summer wedding with them. A hot indoor venue is enough to send people home early, and nobody wants to open the windows of their Rolls Royce on the way to the ceremony – HELLO windswept hair?! Not cute.
If you do decide on an outdoor ceremony venue in the height of summer, make sure you choose an area beneath trees or with ample shade. Do your family and friends a justice and protect them from severe sun burn or heat stroke. They’ll thank you for it and won’t always remember your wedding as “the one that gave Uncle James third degree burns”.