Yes! I finally found the perfect fabric for my bridesmaids’ dresses!
I absolutely love it and it’s the exact colour I want. The best part is that it was on sale for half price.
I got a fantastic deal and material for all four of the bridesmaids dresses and flower girls’ dresses has been bought for under $150.
What a bargain! That includes all the patterns. I just need to buy cotton and zips.
Matt’s Nan, who made my engagement dress, will be making all the dresses for me, as she is a brilliant dress maker!
I will try and help her but I have never made a dress before, though I am keen to learn.
I’m so pleased now I have bought the fabric for the dresses (in exactly the right colour) because I can start matching everything to it.
Shopping here I come!
Look at me all organised with bridesmaids dresses (sort of, almost complete) 14 months before my wedding.