This week it was time to pick out our wedding rings! White gold with band of diamonds for her, white gold with a couple of diamonds for me.
He Says
One of the very first things we did was go and pick wedding rings together. Due to the style of Kate’s engagement ring, virtually anything can go with it, and as long as mine is the same colour as Kate’s, then I’m happy. This, like the picking of the engagement ring didn’t take long.
We picked a day to go shopping and we went around to a bunch of different jewellers seeing what was available. I took Kate to one place that was having a sale, spend over a certain amount and get a second item of the same or lesser value, for free. At this store we found what we believe to be the perfect rings for us. We use the budget planner on the Easy Weddings site and it gave us about $700 total for the rings, but I told Kate that I’m not getting anything less than the same carets of both diamond and gold for her wedding ring than is already on her engagement ring, so we went over budget in that section by almost triple!
But then we got my ring for free, and the wedding ring is going to be there forever, so why settle for less? Well that’s how I see it anyway.
She Says
Finding the wedding rings was a really cool experience. We just went out shopping one day and saw one jeweller with a sale. It basically worked out to spend $2000 and get another $2000 to spend, we after looking at some of the rings available; we found the perfect rings for us. I decided solely that we should put them on hold until the end of the day, just to give us some more time to look around.
We went to another jewellers and one saleswoman kept trying to push me to buy a ring. I liked it, it was an ok ring, but in comparison to the previous ring I had looked at, this wasn’t as nice and didn’t stand out. I guess I was trying to be nice, but after I left, I asked Donald about it, and we came to the conclusion that it really wasn’t the ring for me, so we went back to the previous jewellers only to find out that the particular ring I was looking at wasn’t available under the current special (the saleswoman had gotten it wrong), but we kept looking and we found what I believe to be an even nicer ring, so we bought the wedding rings straight out.
I now want to get the engagement rings engraved before the wedding day, but we are not sure yet what we want them to say.