Amidst the hundreds of photos you snap on your wedding day, one or two are bound to touch your heartstrings more than most. However, if you’re doubly lucky, one or two will tickle your funnybone, too!
Here’s a collection of our favourite wedding photobombs, which offer a momentary giggle thanks to a wedding guest, a passing stranger or a mischievous member of the bridal party who couldn’t help but crash a shot.
Photo bombs away: Talk about perfect timing from this jolly glider. Now, where’s the ‘land’ button?
A little girl in pink zips past this formal bridal party and adds a little impromptu fun. photo. Image: Brian Dorsey Studios.
This poor groom is about to be CRUSHED…
Nothing screams romance like a photobomber in red Speedos!
Lemme outta here, or at least let me be in the photo! Image: Ashley Durham Studios
A fire-fighting helicopter swooped into view as it filled up on water before heading off to put out nearby bushfires.
Image: Matt Estherby
Doggone: The bride’s pet pooches chose a most inopportune time to get frisky.
Ok, so this is an engagement shot, but the mooning passer-by in the background more than qualifies it for inclusion! LOL
Bottoms up! Guess who found the bridal party’s booze stash?
This gentleman couldn’t help but snap the newlyweds, even though he didn’t know them! Once a photographer, always a photographer. Image: Eyelander Photography
You can always rely on your bestie for a good laugh – even if it is as you’re about to walk down the aisle…
This groomsman is obviously thrilled about this marriage or he’s never seen anyone sneak a kiss before!
We’re not sure what the groomsman is doing in the background, but whatever it is, it’s kinda creepy!
Don’t mind me. I’ll just entertain myself until things get interesting.
I’m way too cute NOT to include in this photo, ladies…
Image: Sarah Bastille Photography
A mischievous planking priest adds a little levity to this very traditional wedding shot…
What’s a wedding photo without grandpa?
This passer by is, apparently, more surprised by this wedding proposal than the bride to be…
The romance of this couple’s wedding day rubbed off on all the guests – and the dogs, too, apparently…
If you’re having a beach wedding, better check the local division of Navy SEALs aren’t about to conduct a training exercise…