If you’re looking for some quotes to use for your wedding invitations or stationery or for any on the day wedding signage, then here’s some food for thought:
“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength,while loving someone deeply gives you courage.”
“Love is like the wind, you can’t see it but you can feel it.”
“Heaven is a place on earth with you.”
― Lana Del Rey
“Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.”
“There is never a time or place for true love. It happens accidentally, in a heartbeat, in a single flashing, throbbing moment.”
“You love me. Real or not real?”
I tell him, “Real.”
“People think a soul mate is your perfect fit, and that’s what everyone wants. But a true soul mate is a mirror.”
“You are, and always have been, my dream.”
“I love you because the entire universe conspired to help me find you.”
“Nobody has ever measured, not even poets, how much the heart can hold.”
“The best love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more, that plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds. And that’s what you’ve given me. That’s what I’d hoped to give you forever”
“Once upon a time there was a boy who loved a girl, and her laughter was a question he wanted to spend his whole life answering.”
“We loved with a love that was more than love.”
“When someone else’s happiness is your happiness, that is love.”
― Lana Del Rey
“Every heart sings a song, incomplete, until another heart whispers back. Those who wish to sing always find a song. At the touch of a lover, everyone becomes a poet.”
“Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.”
“What’s meant to be will always find a way”
“When I saw you I fell in love, and you smiled because you knew.”
“The heart has its reasons which reason knows not.”
“Yours is the light by which my spirit’s born: – you are my sun, my moon, and all my stars.”
“I think we ought to live happily ever after.”
“You are my life now.”
“If I know what love is, it is because of you.”
“But if I hadn’t fallen, I wouldn’t have met you.”
“I have seen the best of you, and the worst of you, and I choose both.”
“I love her, and that’s the beginning and end of everything.”