Easy Weddings Videography Wiltshire

88 Films Wedding Videographers

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88 Films prides itself on producing wedding videos of the highest quality, unobtrusively capturing your day to produce a cinematic memento you will treasure for the rest of your lives. Based in the South West, our professional wedding videography services are available in Wiltshire, Gloucestershire, Somerset and neighbouring counties.

Our wedding video packages include the following features as standard:

- Filming from an hour before your ceremony to your first dance
- Recorded on professional-grade HD video cameras
- Using discreet wireless microphones to pick up the audio for the ceremony and speeches
- Edited into a unique, cinematic film of between 45-90 minutes to music of your choice
- Professional authoring of 3 interactive DVDs
- Online access to your HD feature film by your guests (and anybody who can't make the day)
- Creation of special HD highlights film of between 2-5 minutes (perfect for sharing online)

In addition to the feature film and any requested extras (like video messages and music videos) that will be made available online in HD for your guests, we will also create a special wedding highlights video for you. Optimised for web and mobile viewing this unique, high-definition short film is perfect for sharing your big day online with family and friends.



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