The Meringue Girls story began in 2012. Founders Alex & Stacey met while working in a hot, male dominated restaurant kitchen in East London. “We bonded over our love of sweet things and saw a gap in the market with meringues. The market was crying out for an innovative, inspirational, colourful, girl power baking brand.”
The pair initially baked from Alex’s home kitchen in Hackney and were a regular fixture in London’s booming street food scene.
Three years on, the Girls have their own bakery in the bustling foodie hub of Broadway Market and employ a team of Meringue Girls (and boys!) to cope with large weekly orders. On average, the little bakery produces over 8,000 meringues, 1000 brownies, 500 lollipops, 300 marshmallows and 25 cakes a week.